
my offerings

All my offerings are grounded in providing stability of body, mind (including breath) and spirit.
Physical pain always has emotional, mental and spiritual components to work with -  it’s never just about the body itself. Once we learn to see the pain as a messenger we can begin to work with it.

My background research in core stability, combined with my yoga teacher training, really puts me in the best possible position to help you create alignment between body, mind and spirit.

The physical core of our body provides a foundation in life for us to spring from. It is also home to several important energy centres, or chakras. Once you recognise and focus on these basics, only then can you start to train other parts of your body and benefit from the solid foundation your “core” is providing for you.

When you feel strong here physically and emotionally you can truly start to blossom in life.



Physiotherapy sessions provide a thorough assessment and hands-on treatment of chronic pain, injury and pre and post spinal surgery. During the sessions I provide any combination of manual therapy and massage, acupuncture/dry needling, exercise therapy, education,  self-management tools and health coaching in a supportive, customised, practical and holistic manner.

My specialty background in Manipulative Therapy and combinations of other skills makes me the perfect person for you to see for this kind of session. 

Session time: 
Initial Assessment 50-55 minutes
Review Assessment 40-45 minutes


Pre and Post operative Support Program

This is a bespoke program that I design case by case. 
Ideal for those who are undergoing elective surgery and wish to engage in pre-hab, I can assist in a specific exercise program to prepare the body and mind for surgery.

If you or a loved one has experienced an unscheduled surgery I’m also available at the time of discharge and can use my expertise in helping your recovery and transition back into life at home as smooth as possible. 

All the elements of this program are designed to give you peace of mind and a supportive environment in which to take the pressure off yourself (and other family members caring for you) so you can focus on what YOU need to do best with your healing. 


Core Stability Programs

A 6 week program recently offered to members of my classes and the public who wish to do a comprehensive, educative “deep dive” into Core Stability including learning about some basic anatomy and physiology of the appropriate musculature, together with practical tips and tools that are useful for connecting with and understanding the role and functionality of the different abdominal layers.

It’s preferred you participate in a PhysioCore Class (45 minutes) before registering interest. 

Duration: 6 weeks 

Professional Level training for therapists and fitness instructors in the area of Core Stability is anticipated to be added at a later date.


Are you living at your fullest potential and expression?

Living with pain is something that can really knock your self esteem. It can limit you, make you want to withdraw socially, and be a reason to not follow some of your dreams.

It can be a cause of isolation, confused emotions and depression.

So many people just ‘put up’ with their pain, either thinking nothing can be done, or they just get used to living with it, and push on regardless. In many instances common consequences may present, like compensatory patterns by other body parts, not to mention other common longer term effects like problems with restorative sleep, lowered mood and energy levels for example. If you’re not doing anything to address these issues, then you’re potentially missing out on the deeper message that is available for you.

I also see many people who try to “boss” their bodies, especially when it comes to back pain as a common example. They train harder, or push themselves harder in life, or have really painful, bruisingly deep tissue bodywork to “shift” the pain. When in reality what their bodies are actually asking for is for them to STOP, LISTEN and BE GENTLE!  

If you’re not doing anything to address these issues, then you’re potentially missing out on the deeper message that is available for you.

Your pain can be worked through in a loving way

By dealing with the trauma, the emotions, and old belief systems you can truly free yourself on many levels, and ultimately arrive in a renewed place - better for the experience and what it gifts you! 

Every persons journey with pain is highly individual and needs an approach that acknowledges this.

My unique way of fusing physiotherapy with yoga, layered with many years of ongoing studies, and my own personal experience has helped so many people untangle their pain. They’ve been able to use their physical limitations as an opportunity for healing and transformation, and with guidance from someone like myself who has the right expertise and skills, you can have a similar experience too. 

“We've all been given a gift, the gift of life. What we do with our lives is our gift back.” Edo